Archive for binocular mirror mount

You are browsing all posts tagged: binocular mirror mount.

bluetoothing an arduino – data to PC

this little sketch along with the vb .Net script below builds on the previous examples, but this time having completed the sketch the arduino sends a message: “[Arduino;Bluesmirf;Baltaz]”. This is then read by the windows .Net application using the SerialPort.DataReceived event in .Net. In short, it appears to my untrained eyes that the windows application […]

bluetooth: arduino controlled from windows

bluetooth: arduino controlled from windows

having got the bluesmirf working, now time to start sending and receiving some proper data between a computer and the arduino. this post is divided into: Part 1: sending data from […]

bluetooth: a wireless arduino (nearly)

bluetooth: a wireless arduino (nearly)

having got the stepper motor running the next thing to do is to send signals to the arduino chip (the ATMega 168) over bluetooth. for an arduino intro see this post). the bluetooth chip i picked up is a […]

stepper: arduino driven motor

stepper: arduino driven motor

So, first step (excuse the pun) is to get the arduino to drive a stepper motor. ultimately there will obviously be two (one for the altitude axis, the other for the azimuth). i got both these steppers from […]

Arduino - first light…

Arduino – first light…

So this is the ‘brains’ of the binocular mirror mount. or at least this is the gadget used to programme those brains. it’s an arduino (pronounced: “aard-ween-oh”), as if you hadn’t guessed. The idea is to programme the chip to receive commands from a laptop (via bluetooth) and then move the two stepper motors accordingly. in time, it might get a bit more advanced – for example having direct ‘user control’ via a keypad as well as receiving instructions from a laptop.