Archive for arduino

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bluetooth: arduino controlled from windows

bluetooth: arduino controlled from windows

having got the bluesmirf working, now time to start sending and receiving some proper data between a computer and the arduino. this post is divided into: Part 1: sending data from […]

bluetooth: a wireless arduino (nearly)

bluetooth: a wireless arduino (nearly)

having got the stepper motor running the next thing to do is to send signals to the arduino chip (the ATMega 168) over bluetooth. for an arduino intro see this post). the bluetooth chip i picked up is a […]

stepper: two (synchronous) steppers

The mount will need two stepper motors and I want them to both move at the same time – I don’t want to ‘move all the azimuth steps’ and then ‘move all the altitude steps’. And they also need to accelerate / decelerate as in the last post. So, again, a bit of amendment was […]

stepper: interrupt the step command

The next thing to do is to interrupt the stepper motor while it’s stepping. So the last library [link] had to be amended

stepper: accelerating with new arduino library

stepper: accelerating with new arduino library

Next up, a way of accelerating and decelerating a stepper motor. The mount can’t just whack in to top speed it needs to start off slow and speed up. So the idea is to be able to set the min speed, max speed, and the number of steps taken to accelerate. The result looks something […]