this was just luck. taken with the canon 400d through the william optics zenithstar 66 with 0.8 field reducer (ISO 100, shutter speed 1/160 sec) from la azhoia, spain. no photoshopping. each shot separated by 2 about seconds.
polaris – 2 minute exposure from la azohia
no tracking mount on holiday so a straight 2 minute exposure of the only bit of the sky that wouldn’t move too much during that time – polaris. the second shot shows the ‘engagement ring’ – the semi-circles of stars to […]
saturn moon conjunction
conjuction of saturn and the moon. over-exposed moon just shows its unlit face. the second picture is not an enlargement of the first, just part of the first at full size. the second shows a very wobbly saturn. shot using […]
conjunction of venus and moon
conjunction of venus and the moon.
shot from ealing on canon 400d, ISO 200.
1.6s exposure , F5.0.
plough from ealing
not quite the clear skies of the atlas mountains, but still there. just.
shot with a canon 400d, no telescope, ISO200.
30s exposure, f4.0, f/l 18mm.