1 x 6mm shaft adaptor (to hold shaft – alternative to activerobots part): Code: N15BQ (£4.49) HAVE TO ORDER 1 x Bearing Blks 6mm id to hold a 6mm shaft at the other end from the stepper motor N31BQ (£9.99) 2 in holborn, 2 in strand 2 x Inline Coupling to connect the shaft to […]
problems with first worm gear (v. 2.0)
so, the first set of components (worm gear with ball bearings from RS components) that i used to try and drive the mount were completely useless! the first problem (I can’t believe they sell them like this) was that the worm gear had no way of securing it to the shaft that it was to […]
breadboarding an arduino – crystals
trying to get the crystal changed from 16 Mhz to 20MHz. Followed this approach: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~buechley/e-textile_kit/e-textile_kit_tech.html cores\wiring\WConstants.h changed as follows… […] // passed in at compile-time #ifndef F_CPU //#define F_CPU 16000000L #define F_CPU 20000000L #endif // passed in at compile-time #ifndef CPU_FREQ //#define CPU_FREQ 16000000L #define CPU_FREQ 20000000L #endif […] arduino-0010-win\arduino-0010\hardware\boards.txt changed (saved the old one […]

bluetooth: arduino on a breadboard – wireless
so this was an important day…. the set up runs as follows: 1. the visual basic (Vb.Net) application sitting inside the skymap programme sends out a line of data over bluetooth 2. the atmega168 chip, which was programmed on an arduino diecimila board and is now sitting on a separate breadboard, powered by battery, with […]

arduino: unplugged (well, on a breadboard)
That’s it. The arduino chip (an ATmega 168) with the minimum life support system to sustain it. It’s basically being powered by 5 volts (taken from 4 x 1.5v AA batteries with suitable reduction and smoothing) with a 16 Mhz crystal to beat time. The idea is that the chip (once programmed on the arduino […]