The trick to running the atmega328 at 3.3v and not 5v is to load a new ‘bootloader’ on it. The chip I purchased came on top of an Arduino Duemilanove. As such, it was pre-programmed (which is what the ‘bootloader’ code does) to run at 5v. (For more on ‘bootloaders’ and arduinos see here.) So I basically needed to load a new ‘bootloader’ on to the chip.

ASCOM driver completed
Hmm. That took a long time. A seriously long time. Anyway, I’ve now completed the ASCOM driver – the software which sits on the PC (within a planetarium programme) and communicates with the mount. The final driver (sitting within SkyMap Pro) looks like this: (I should add that the “hand controller” seen in the picture […]
LCD: SparkFun’s serLCD and NewSoftSerial The video above shows SparkFun’s serLCD in action using a library (serLCD.h) which inherits all of the NewSoftSerial library functions and then adds a few of its own. The library is set out in full below (with download) but first up, my first sketch using the serLCD (which might help others get a feel […]

capeMirror v. 2
The capeMirror Wiring On the right can be seen the pin mapping. The capeMirror Library Now it’s just a question of combining the following libraries into one: Stepper_Aclr8_2, Stepper_Aclr8_i, Matrix_Steppers, and SerialParse. /* * capeMirror v2a * * created by Ben @ Cape Ealing * 24 January 2010 * */ //******************************************************************** // Initial Definitions //******************************************************************** […]
arduino: one library within another
It’s now a question of drawing together all the arduino sketches (2 accelerating stepper motors, bluetooth, and keypad) together into 1 sketch. In fact, I decided to create a new library (or class / object) called ‘capeMirror’ which would contain within it the following:
1. Control of two stepper motors
2. Control of a keypad
3. A method to parse messages received from the laptop