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Pier observatory – temp and humidity


bootloading the arduino to run at 3.3v

bootloading the arduino to run at 3.3v

The trick to running the atmega328 at 3.3v and not 5v is to load a new ‘bootloader’ on it. The chip I purchased came on top of an Arduino Duemilanove. As such, it was pre-programmed (which is what the ‘bootloader’ code does) to run at 5v. (For more on ‘bootloaders’ and arduinos see here.) So I basically needed to load a new ‘bootloader’ on to the chip.

ASCOM driver completed

ASCOM driver completed

Hmm. That took a long time. A seriously long time. Anyway, I’ve now completed the ASCOM driver – the software which sits on the PC (within a planetarium programme) and communicates with the mount. The final driver (sitting within SkyMap Pro) looks like this: (I should add that the “hand controller” seen in the picture […]

LCD: SparkFun’s serLCD and NewSoftSerial The video above shows SparkFun’s serLCD in action using a library (serLCD.h) which inherits all of the NewSoftSerial library functions and then adds a few of its own. The library is set out in full below (with download) but first up, my first sketch using the serLCD (which might help others get a feel […]

capeMirror v. 2

capeMirror v. 2

The capeMirror Wiring On the right can be seen the pin mapping. The capeMirror Library Now it’s just a question of combining the following libraries into one: Stepper_Aclr8_2, Stepper_Aclr8_i, Matrix_Steppers, and SerialParse. /* * capeMirror v2a * * created by Ben @ Cape Ealing * 24 January 2010 * */ //******************************************************************** // Initial Definitions //******************************************************************** […]