mount version 2: worm gears – part 2

after extensive (and i really mean extensive) web searching, i’ve finally settled on the automotion worm gears. The only remaining question is whether I want to go for the 0.5 module, or the larger 0.8 module. I think the 0.8 module would be preferable because the gears are larger and so i think there would be a greater margin of error in the aligning of the worm and gear. Also, the larger gear means that the main worm cog should have a larger diameter, this should also make it easier to drive the mount round – the further toward the edge of the mount that the worm makes contact with the worm gear should mean the less force required to step it (it’s easier to start the children’s roundabout by pushing from the outside than the inside). But that all comes at a potential cost in that the mount has to be able to actually hold this wheel.

Options are:

0.8 module:
R2138, WDB83-D96 (0.8 module, 5mm bore, 96 teeth, double thread, 76.8 diameter)
WDS-5D (0.8 module, 5mm bore, double thread)

0.5 module:
R2142, WFB83-D90 (0.5 module, 5mm bore, 90 teeth, double thread, 45 diameter)
R2144, WFS-5D (0.5 module precision worm, double thread)

Need to check this time that the set screws are supplied for both parts!

So just quick check on costs… Then ready to go.


Basically, need to check whether the 76.8 diameter will fit on the mount. If so, then ready to order.

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