breadboarding an arduino – crystals

trying to get the crystal changed from 16 Mhz to 20MHz.

Followed this approach:

cores\wiring\WConstants.h changed as follows…


// passed in at compile-time
#ifndef F_CPU
//#define F_CPU 16000000L
#define F_CPU 20000000L

// passed in at compile-time
#ifndef CPU_FREQ
//#define CPU_FREQ 16000000L
#define CPU_FREQ 20000000L

arduino-0010-win\arduino-0010\hardware\boards.txt changed (saved the old one as XBoards.txt).
“f_cpu=16000000L” to “f_cpu=20000000L”.

Finally, change AFSoftSerial.cpp, it asks ‘if F_CPU 16000000’, have to change it:
#if (F_CPU == 20000000)
//#if (F_CPU == 16000000)

This doesn’t work. It seems that i have to change the bootloader program. So, change it all back!

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